‘Too much aviation noise in one third of Dutch houses’

Too much residents of The Netherlands experience noise nuisance, part of them from aviation. The reason is simple: one thirth of all houses is built on a noisy location, says research from Dutch news tv RTL Nieuws. Too much noise makes people ill.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has published new guidelines for environmental noise. Road traffic can produce a maximum of 53 decibels, trains 54 dB, but aviation noise may not exceed 45 decibels.

RTL Nieuws has compared the new guildelines with data from the Dutch health institute RIVM and from the governmental basic registration database for addresses and buildings. From this analyses they learned that 37 percent of houses experience a noise level of more than 55 dB. This counts up to 3 million houses. Read more >

About us

SchipholWatch – a group of residents that is fighting aviation noise around Amsterdam Schiphol Airport – wanted to have an app to register airplanes with the decibels that you have to cope with.

foto: Tookapic on Pexels.com

On Twitter they asked if someone wanted to build this app as a volunteer. Roelof Mejier responded positively to this question. Now after 4 months of work in spare hours in evenings and weekends , here it is!

We appreciate that we can use the OpenSky-database to identify the planes that are flying above your head.

Tips & tricks

  • Please use our app outdoors. Measuring inside your home will ‘pollute’ our database with values that are at least 15 dB lower than the actual aviation noise level.
  • Beware of the wind. The microphone of your smartphone can be sensitive for strong winds. Please measure aviation noise preferably out of the wind.
  • Point your device’s microphone at the airplane during the sound measurement. If you do so you will register the most reliable noise level.
  • If you want to share our news articles that are shown in the app: please visit our weblog at https://cms.explane.org.
  • All the data gathered with the app is available via https://reports.explane.org.
  • Read more >

    About reports.explane.org

    At https://reports.explane.org you will find all registrations made with the app. You can zoom in on the data that is important for your community.

    We hope you will use the information to show your local, regional or national governments what impact aviation noise has on your communities. Take screenshots and publish them in your local news paper, on your social media or share them via Whatsapp or e-mail.

    Also you can use the Explane data to provide journalists and other opinion leaders with information about aviation noise. Please share the website address as much as possible!

    Users of Explane work together to show how much impact aviation has on our lifes. Please keep on making registrations so we can have a real impact! Read more >